Children have dry eyes due to mobile screens
Screens pose a greater risk to the health of young children, it is important to set limits. This is the era of social media trends and memes. Here, every small or big thing becomes viral on the internet if it is relevant. A meme often goes viral, in which a child is having a headache or his legs are aching or he has fever. On all these problems, parents taunt him to use the phone more.

The meme asks what is the connection of all these things with the phone, people laugh. But now science studies are saying that there is a connection. What parents say is absolutely correct.
According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the increasing screen time of children can emerge as a big problem in the coming times. This can increase the risk of many diseases.
According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, the problem of dry eyes is increasing in children due to excessive screen viewing.
Recently, while hearing a case, the Bombay High Court had said, "Children's game addiction will prove to be like drug and narcotic addiction in the coming times. This can cause many damages to mental and physical health. Therefore, it is important that a law is brought on this." Overall, most of the indications are that the use of screen and mobile is not good for children. If it has anything to do with their studies, then it is necessary to set its limit and tell them about its healthy use and activities. Therefore, today in 'Sehatnama' we will know what effect the screen has on children. Also, we will understand that- What kind of problems are children facing due to this? What is a healthy screen time limit for children? What can be done to set time limits and boundaries? Before moving ahead in the article, let us know what problems technological development has created along with making our lives easier. Famous neurologist and psychiatrist Adam Gazzelli has written a book on this. Problems are increasing due to screen time
As the restrictions started to ease after the corona pandemic, all activities started returning to their old form. Meanwhile, everyone realized that their screen time had increased a lot. Since children were also dependent on screens for their studies during this time, this problem became even bigger for them.
Apart from studies, they started spending a long time with the screen, which is still continuing. Now its disadvantages have started to come to the fore.