To avoid dental problems, change your toothbrush in every 12 weeks
To decrease the possibility of dental problems one should always change their toothbrush in every 12 weeks regularly. It also increase the efficiency of healthy and strong gums in their mouth with safe teeth.

If you use the same toothbrush for a long time to clean your teeth, it can spread the risk of infection and you may also get sick.
Using the same toothbrush for a long time can lead to many problems.
People clean their teeth well with the help of a toothbrush, but do you know how long a toothbrush should last?
Usually people change a toothbrush in three to four months, but in some cases you should change it within one or two months.
If you use a toothbrush for a long time, bacteria accumulate on the brush and the risk of infection increases.
Using the same toothbrush for a long time increases the chances of the bristles getting damaged and the teeth start bleeding.
Due to bad bristles, the enamel of the teeth gets damaged and the gums start swelling. In such a situation, if the toothbrush starts looking bad, then you should change it within 2 months.
Whenever you buy a toothbrush, buy a toothbrush with soft or medium bristles. Choose the toothbrush according to the size of your mouth. If you are having problems with your teeth, then consult a dentist.
Whenever you buy a toothbrush, buy a toothbrush with soft or medium bristles. Choose the toothbrush according to the size of your mouth. If you are having problems with your teeth, then consult a dentist.