World Mental Health Day: Mental health deserves our attention, says actress Monika Singh

Ask her how she takes care of her mental health, and she says, “To take care of my mental health, I focus on things like meditation, exercise, yoga, and other outdoor activities.

Oct 10, 2024 - 12:51
World Mental Health Day: Mental health deserves our attention, says actress Monika Singh
World Mental Health Day: Mental health deserves our attention, says actress Monika Singh

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day on October 10, actress Monika Singh, says that she is happy that mental health related problems are being talked about. She adds that we must continue to support one another and offer help when needed.

“I’m really glad that people have finally started talking about mental health. It’s a big topic these days, and it truly deserves all the attention. Mental health is a real issue that needs to be discussed openly, and we should support each other without making it seem bigger or smaller than it actually is. I’m saying all of this because I know how it feels. I understand how difficult it can be to overcome these challenges because I’ve gone through a similar phase in my life,” she says.

Ask her how she takes care of her mental health, and she says, “To take care of my mental health, I focus on things like meditation, exercise, yoga, and other outdoor activities. I’m more of an introvert, so while I enjoy spending time with my friends, I also need some alone time to recharge. It's not always necessary to be around people—sometimes, being surrounded by too many can trigger a weird sort of anxiety. So, I like to be by myself at times.”

She adds that you need to keep up with the times nowadays. “In this fast-paced life, there’s no room to stop or make excuses, whether you’re unwell, dealing with mental health issues, or facing other problems. Opportunities come and go, but if your mental health isn’t in a good place, it’s hard to do anything about your life. That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself first,” she says.

Talking about how to take care of your mental health, she says, “Two things I find really helpful for mental health are practicing gratitude and doing things that bring me happiness. Be thankful for everything in your life, no matter how small it seems. Do what makes you happy and relaxed, whether it’s playing games, listening to music, dancing, or anything else that you enjoy. Simple things like these can help improve your mood and energy levels.”

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